Discipleship and Stewardship Webinar Series
The Discipleship and Stewardship Webinar series is available to all. Registration isThe Discipleship and Stewardship Webinar series is available to all. Registration isrequired. The registration link will be located on the Diocesan website and theDiscipleship and Stewardship Newsletter. You may share this link with parishioners,priests, and others who might be interested in the topic.All webinars begin at 1:00 PM CT. The webinar material will last 45 minutes, and wewill have 15 minutes for Q & A.
Upcoming Webinars
Previous Webinars
Miss a recent webinar? Find the recording and information here!
Recording | Webinar |
Encouraging Generosity through Tithing Downloads: Power Point Presentation | |
Entering the New Year with a Plan for Parish Vitality | |
Advent: Ideas to Build Connection, Hospitality, and Spirituality this Year | |
Encouraging Stewardship Throughout the Year | |
Lay Witness Workshop | |
Starting or Sustaining a Stewardship Ministry During COVID 19 | |
Stewardship Messaging on Facebook | |
Prayer, Services, Giving, COVID...oh my! | |
Creative Ideas to Encourage Parish Generosity While Social Distancing Downloads: Power Point Presentation | |
Keeping the Pulse in Your Parish Part III | |
Keeping the Pulse in Your Parish Part IV Downloads: Power Point Presentation | |
Keeping the Pulse in Your Parish Part II | |
Keeping the Pulse in Your Parish Part I | |
Stewardship Communications During Lent | |
How to Set Up Email Messaging for Stewardship | |
How to Communicate and Encourage Children’s Stewardship | |
Tools to Invite & Acknowledge Parishioners Throughout the Year | |
How to Prepare Pastors, Staff, and Ministry Leaders to Be Leadership Disciples | |
Fall Planning for a Season of Stewardship | |
How to Prepare Pastors, Staff, and Ministry Leaders to Be Leadership Disciples | |
Four Pillars Checklist for Summer Review Downloads: Power Point Presentation | |
Creating Your Annual Parish Discipleship Report Live Demo! Downloads: Power Point Presentation | |
Engaging All Generations in the Pews Downloads: Power Point Presentation | |
A Stewardship Message Online | |
Messaging the Tithe | |
Discipleship and Stewardship During Lent |